By visiting our cellar, one can immerse himself in the history of the traditional family wine production. It is produced here by the same method as in the “Bird Cave”, which was located in Areni 6,000 years ago. While instead of a cave, the hand-made cellar with one-meter-thick basalt masonry walls half-buried in the ground stands there, with a tuff-made arched ceiling beamed on them. The heat transferring basalt absorbs the soil coolness, and the heat insulating tuff retains it. The windows of the cellar are small intended for low light and ventilation, they are oriented to the balcony of the house to protect the walls from heat and to avoid direct rays of the sun. All year round, the air temperature in the cellar is maintained in the range of 12 to 19 degrees. The sizes of the cellar, of the grape crusher and the number of jars are proportionate to the quantity of the processed grapes. The cellar was built in 1877.